Do you want to know what homes sold for in the Sparks and Spanish Springs area in February?
There were 103 stick built, single family homes sold in Feburary. The median list price was $199,900 and the median sold price was $192,000. Sellers received on average 97.07% of their asking price. Bank owned properties accounted for 63.11% of February sales, and short sales accounted for 13.59%. Seller's with no condition of sale made up 21.36% and sales requiring court approval were the balance at 1.94%.
Here are how the sales break out by area - Palamino Valley 1, Spanish Springs East 1, Spanish Springs South 36, Spanish Springs West 12, Sparks 15, East Sparks 19, and Sparks Suburban 19. No homes were sold in the Sparks Foothills in February.
Look for March sales data in the next week or so.