Not always the happy sound welcomed by all. Residents of Verdi, Mogul, and West Truckee Meadows met at their Citizens Advisory Board Meeting (CAB) in September to find out how the train horn is controlled. Some residents had voiced enough concern in the past that the CAB invited representatives from the Federal Railroad Administration, FRA, and the Union Pacific Railroad, UPR, to attend the meeting to discuss the issue. The frequency and duration of the train horns is the issue. This meeting allowed an interaction with homeowners and the railroad. As always, the issue is not simple. Safety is the first concern of the railroad. The horn must be sounded at all crossings and if the engineer sees anything he considers a hazard. An almost two hour discussion was held with all parties. New liaisons were formed, and connections were established. There are continuing issues with the establishment of a quiet zone in the area. To review the minutes of this meeting check the county website
Awareness of the CAB meeting agenda is always useful. This link will keep you up- dated.